A Family That Skies Together || Revelstoke Ski Heritage

I’ve written before about my families love for skiing and their place in the history books of the Revelstoke, BC ski community.
See that BLOG post HERE.
This past week I took some time off and went skiing with my Mom. My Mom is 77 and learnt to ski when she was 3 years old. She down hill raced as a teenager and raced as an adult for many years with my grandfather and her brothers in the Vernon ‘Over the Hill’ Downhill.
My grandfather was 75 years old when he raced in Vernon and he received the ‘True Grit’ Award for being the oldest skier to participate.
If you are sitting around the table at one of our family gatherings in the winter the topic will inevitably gravitate towards family ski adventures. Skiing is part of our DNA.
We strap on skis when we are old enough to stand on our own, and ski until our legs can no longer carry us down the slopes.

My Mother (left) with my Grandma Mary and Uncle Don at the Hickory Run on Mount Revelstoke in 1947.

My Mom today. Isn’t she the Cutest?!!

I feel grateful and incredibly blessed to be able to still share our passion together.