Troublemakers 4.0 || Vancouver Queer Film Festival

Troublemakers 4.0 is an inter-generational film project sponsored by the Vancouver Queer Film Festival, Reel Youth, and Love Intersections.
Aspiring young filmmakers are paired with LGBTQ2+ ‘Troublemakers’ who are change-makers in the Vancouver LGBTQ2+ community.
Inter-generational relationships are important and this project offers the participants the opportunity to learn from each other as they create impactful documentaries together.
This is my 3rd year capturing the behind the scenes action and portraits of the participants.
It is wonderful to witness their relationships and the films they create together are beautiful.
The films will be shown at the 31st Vancouver Queer Film Festival on August 18th, 2019.
Click HERE to view this year’s films.

I love capturing the friendships that develop during this wonderful project.

The 2019 Troublemakers 4.0