The ever so awesome Jennifer Campagnolo

Jennifer's Twitter profile says she's a "Steadfast Citizen for Canada."
Indeed, as she comes from a line of strong and patriotic women. Her mother Iona Campagnolo was Canada's 1st female Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia.
Jennifer herself is the Senior Development Officer for Aboriginal Programs at Service Canada. She contracted me to do fashion style personal portraits.
I love the one I captured of her relaxing in the studio chair. It's so genuine and beautiful.


Exceleration Tri it Tri (aka the Cutest Triathlon ever)

This is the 2nd year I've photographed some of my clients' children participating in the Exceleration Triathlon Day.
It was mayhem running around trying to capture photos of all these cuties in their different heats.
This year there were 3 Toddler heats!! I need to start training now for next year.

Vancouver Tourism 'You Belong in Vancouver' LGBTQ Campaign

I am proud to have been chosen as the photographer for Vancouver Tourism's 'You Belong in Vancouver' campaign creating portraits of these wonderful people in my community.
This is the largest production I have ever been involved with and I was so excited and nervous I could not sleep the night before the shoot. Two full days of photography and video with an incredible team who deeply cared about telling these individuals stories with respect and beauty.

I love photographing my LGBTQ families and this video with Myriam Dumont speaking about her family was emotional to watch while filming and still effects me each time I watch it.

Orene Askew is a passionate speaker and this video of her describing her heritage and music is powerful.

Videography:  Barbershop Films
Makeup & Hair:  Tasha Vu
Photography:  Belle Ancell
Digi-Tech:  Maylies Lang

Lukas's Family || Vancouver Family Photographer

Lukas was born in December and was 4 months old for his debut photo session.
His parents were 37 and 47 and his grandparents were 59 and 75.
This guy is usually all smiles, except for this day. I had to make some ridiculous noises and facial expressions to elicit that smile. It was worth it.

Overthinking Conflict Podcast || Vancouver Headshot Photographer

These two have a funtabulous relationship and I'm looking forward to hearing their new podcast that explores the business, skills, and styles of peacemaking.
Amanda Semenoff and C.D. Saint from

'You Belong in Vancouver' Tourism Vancouver campaign || Behind the Scenes

I was incredibly nervous working on my 1st commercial campaign for Tourism Vancouver.
I just might have ate too much chocolate that first shoot day.
'You Belong in Vancouver' will promote Vancouver as a fabulous holiday destination to LGBT folks who live in the U.S. Intimate video interviews combined with portraits (my part) of LGBT Vancouverites will be used in the campaign.